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kl north masterplan


Site area
Building height  

85.44 Acres
15.5 mil sqft
Max. 50 Storeys
Schematic Design


A promising masterplan development nestled in the northern district of Kuala Lumpur, KL North rises as a potential attraction of quality modern residence, retail opportunities and contemporary lifestyle. The KL North mixed development masterplan visualizes an enclosed, modern approach layout of high rise apartments, with its common ground linked by a centralized urban square, commercial activities & landscapes. Its location that sits in a close proximity to the DUKE highway and Jalan Kuching attracts and encourages interest of a new township area, in addition to the ease of accessibility from downtown Kuala Lumpur.


The expansive integrated living comprises of 10 designated plots for service apartments, surrounding an urban plaza which serves as the focal point to other amenities that include an urban park, free standing retails, and a coalescence of landscape elements. Themed 'The Wardrobe' and 'The Oasis', the masterplan draws inspiration from the concept on modern street malls' placemaking with boutique-styled commercial activities as the general facade, while water features and luscious greenery provide a great sense of tranquility as part of the integrated haven design. As for the placemaking aspect, the overall urban square introduces spaces for activities of recreation, dining and leisure that fosters community spirit among residents and even the public, through mutual interests. Activities such as urban farming, play parks, exercise regimes, al fresco dining, petting zoos and even extreme sports including a community amphitheater are meticulously planned based on zones to ensure coherent engagement with the users across the central park.


From the gateway-styled picturesque park to the statement residence towers, KL North provisions great transformation as part of the growing district of Jinjang North, in hopes to also evolve as an elegant icon of Kepong gradually.

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